Habitat East Bay/Silicon Valley Blog

Put Affordable Housing "On The Table"

Written by Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley | November 4, 2017
The effects of the Bay Area’s affordable housing are felt by us all. It’s a problem that is pricing people out of our communities, forcing families into substandard housing, stretching commutes to a civic and environmental breaking point, and making it tough for our employers to attract and retain talent.
How do we combat the affordable housing crisis? Yes, it’s a complicated problem with a lot of moving parts and many stakeholders, but we can make a difference. It’s time to put this critical issue on the table, and to open a dialogue around the trials – and possible solutions – before us. 
Join community leaders including Habitat East Bay/Silicon Valley President and CEO, Janice Jensen, and SV@Home’s Executive Director, Leslye Corsiglia, for an On the Table event to kick start this conversation about affordable housing. Sponsored by Silicon Valley Community Foundation, this event will spark a community discussion and inspire action toward the collective impact we can make. 
Topics will include the effects of the housing crisis on personal and professional lives, the lack of homeownership opportunities, contributing factors to the problem, and how we might, as individuals and as a community, make a difference.
Bring friends, family, and colleagues and come with ideas to share on Wednesday, November 15th, from 9-10am at Social Policy Café . We’ll provide refreshments, while you provide your voice. Together, let’s make affordable housing the talk of the town.