November Construction Update
November 18, 2020 Volunteer Habitat News

Our staff and volunteers have been powering through in San Jose, working on completing our Emergency Interim Housing sites. Check out exactly what we’ve been working on at each site as we continue to build for a better, brighter, and stronger community.
San Jose (Rue Ferrari): As we near the finishing stages of construction on this community, we’ve been spray-painting, connecting some ground wire and other electrical, fencing, installing new locks and cabin anchors, building earthwork stairs, and installing HVAC units.
San Jose (Evans Lane): This community is well on its way toward completion, with skirting prep, sink and light installation, drainage systems condensation, and hot water heater installation bringing us closer to the finish line.
San Jose (Monterey/Bernal Ave): We hosted our last volunteer day at the Monterey community, and recently celebrated its opening with Governor Newsom, Mayor Liccardo, and other distinguished guests. Thank you, volunteers, for helping bring this community to life – because of your support, dozens of people are already benefiting from safe shelter, a healthy community, and a service-supported environment.
San Jose (Felipe Avenue): We're making progress toward completing our site at Felipe Ave by working on ramps, boardwalks, gutters, decking, interior painting, electrical, dog run fencing, and other details!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We have a few spots to volunteer and build these cabins through the first week in December. Click here to see availability and get signed up!
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